The Outermost Chair is modeled after the original Adirondack chair, designed by Thomas Lee in 1903. Lee was a Massachusetts physician that summered in Westport, NY. He was particularly focused on comfort - getting the angle of the chair just right. His niece, Mary Lee, remembers her Uncle Tom inviting visiting family members to try his chair - adjusting the angle to achieve maximum comfort. Once satisfied with the angle, Lee added the wide arms to hold the items that are most enjoyed lakeside - a book, a drink - without needing a table.
Eventually it was Lee’s hunting companion Harry C. Bunnell that started making the chairs for sale and eventually patented the design, making and selling the chairs into the 1930s. We are thrilled to revive the design, having kept the most important components of the original. In designing the Outermost Chair, we have made a few small changes that we believe enhance the style, function, and structural integrity of the original.

Contact Emails
Orders/Product Info: info@outermosthome.com
Owner/Director: chris@outermosthome.com
Phone/Text: 617-285-0118